

Collaboration with University of Minnesota will focus on cold-climate challenges
雨水中心的现场, 位于UNH达勒姆校区一个大型停车场的边缘

N达勒姆.H. — 的 永利app新版本官网地址 has been selected to lead the Cold Climate Center of Excellence for Stormwater Infrastructure Technology (CCCESIT), one of four Centers of Excellence for Stormwater Control Infrastructure Technologies established by the U.S. 环境保护署(EPA). 的 center, which will be led along with a team at the University of Minnesota, received $1.500万美元用于研究, technical assistance and workforce development aimed at improving stormwater infrastructure and safeguarding water quality.

“寒冷的气候对雨水管理提出了特殊的挑战,詹姆斯·霍尔说, 联合国大学雨水中心主任. “春季融雪, freeze-thaw cycles and road salt pose challenges that we in New Hampshire and Minnesota are uniquely positioned to address.”

Stormwater — runoff from rain and snowmelt that flows over impervious surfaces such as paved streets, parking lots and building rooftops and does not soak into the ground — is a significant source of water pollution and a threat to the health of waterways across the country. Managing stormwater runoff presents complex 工程 and financial challenges to communities, 而严冬又加剧了这种复杂性.

Drawing on more than 40 years of combined experience at UNH and the University of Minnesota, the CCCESIT will conduct research on new and emerging stormwater control infrastructure technologies, 提供技术援助,培养能够推动新技术发展的劳动力, 弹性和更有效的雨水未来. 的 new center’s goals also include increasing the number of communities—especially small, 农村, 部落, underserved and/or disadvantaged communities—that receive information on stormwater technology and financing opportunities for infrastructure projects.

Two initial research projects will focus on improvements to biofiltration (rain garden) media to better retain pollutants and research on strategies to reduce road salt. CCCESIT’s work will also include technical assistance and education for stormwater researchers in both the public and private sectors as well as the greater community. 该中心将提供网络研讨会、研讨会和培训.

除了Houle, who will co-lead the project with Andy Erickson at the University of Minnesota, CCCESIT will involve UNH associate professor of civil and environmental 工程 Tom Ballestero as well as Daniel Macadam, UNH雨水中心的研究工程师.

UNH雨水中心, 成立于2004年, 是一项动态研究, testing and educational facility which serves as a technical resource for water managers, planners and design engineers in New England and throughout the United States. 

的 永利app新版本官网地址 激励创新,改变我们国家、民族和世界的生活. 近16,000 students from 50 states and 87 countries engage with an award-winning faculty in top-ranked programs in business, 工程, 法律, 卫生和公共服务, 文科和理科横跨200多个学习项目. 卡内基R1分类机构, 联合国大学与美国宇航局合作, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局, NSF, 和国家卫生研究院, and received over $210 million in competitive external funding in FY23 to further explore and define the frontiers of land, 海洋与太空.



描述:雨水中心的现场, 位于UNH达勒姆校区一个大型停车场的边缘, is a state-of-the-art testing facility where innovative stormwater technologies can be evaluated in a side-by-side comparison as stormwater runs off the adjacent large parking lot.

图片来源:John Nader